
Kowloon City 2.0

File description

This is version 2 of my map.

- heli paths added

- fixed a dead corpses bug in frontlines 5.2


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The sky is sick, Could you upload it please? <3

Posted on 28.01.2013 / 11:07

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I thin I used this one here:

Posted on 28.01.2013 / 18:41

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awesome map everything works well we only have one issue on our mods and that is that our heli's are manned and the chopper path falls beneath the death line so when you get a heli you die lol. apart form that bud wicked job xd

Posted on 02.02.2013 / 12:32

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Oh thats funny
The triggers targetname is: "deathtrigger"
Maybe you could add a little script which looks sinilar to this:

if(level.gametype == YOUR_HELIGAMETYPE)
deathtrigger.origin = (0,0,-500000);

So the trigger would be far away from the map and no player would ever touch it.

Posted on 02.02.2013 / 14:59

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ok mate ill do that np thankyou xd
excellent map
wil let you know how it goes xd.

Posted on 02.02.2013 / 16:07

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Posted on 03.02.2013 / 0:44

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sorted it excellent now running on both out heavy modded servers excelent.
btd_alphax16/btd_alpha_x16_osg and Modern Ops 2 all by hacker22 can be added ot your tested mods and tbh if they will run on the latter 2 (due to be released soon) they will run on anything. Excellent work and thankyou for your hard work and assistance m8. Awesome map keep them coming XD

Posted on 05.02.2013 / 7:01

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is map ki command kaya ha ?

Posted on 09.03.2019 / 18:14

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