CoD4 Stand-alone .ff compiler
File description
This is stand-alone fastfile compiler. Its linker_pc.exe with batch files that allows you to compile your own public custom models & mods using raw files without downloading 600+ mb of ModTools. Fully compatible with CoD4. CoD5 untested.
How to...
Unpack your raws to "ffCompiler" folder & run "compileFF.cmd". It'll create 2 directories, "modWithIWD"( mod.ff + z_mod.iwd ) and "publicFastFiles"( all default mp_*_load.ff + z_mod.iwd ). Use this files according to your needs.
If you want to create another mod, run "RestoreDefaults.cmd". It'll delete 3 folders and unpacks "".
GL, HF & Happy Modding.
CFGFactory is not responsible for executable files inside this file, by downloading the file you agree to these terms !Comments
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