how about ggc streamed servers? i think its a good idea or only 1 ggc streamed server or something like that
Posted on 10.10.2011 / 15:37 - Edited by NyXxem on 10.10.2011 / 15:49
Hmm would be nice as option, but problem is these free war-servers are also a lot of time off (if there are no people hiriing them). I think ggc will notice that they are much off and remove them from their stream. Not sure though.
Posted on 10.10.2011 / 16:54
but if the admin of CFGFACTORY talks to them mayb they would agree t stream the servers
Posted on 11.10.2011 / 8:12
would be reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly NICE
Posted on 11.10.2011 / 14:25
no no no im banned at ggc just put GV
Welcome to my profile!
Posted on 11.10.2011 / 19:10
are ggc and gv banning for skins?
And the world spins by with everybody moaning.
Pissing, bitching and everyone is shitting,
On their friends, on their love
On their oaths, on their honor,
On their graves, on their mouths.
And their words say nothing...

Posted on 08.10.2012 / 18:39