
it's just a delusion


2 3

dont get me wrong, but tell me whats the point of these screens.
i mean is this a cfg showoff? cant be because we cant see the config,
or you just want to prove us that you can use 3d person view? or its about the dof settings? or what?

nice gold shotgun

Posted on 11.11.2013 / 22:02

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Maybe cause it looks nice so he randomly uploaded it

Posted on 11.11.2013 / 23:30

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i uploaded it because i created this config and the colors?

and its cool? and if u want it u can have my fucking youtube channel so pm me there u fucking idiot
thnx maxzor

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 7:10

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asked it nicely, is it hard to answer nicely? just wanted to know why you did upload it if we cant see shit of the cfg. thanks for being arogant like a kid. and please dont pm me on xf again with "like and comment please" thx

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 8:57

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i did a mistake . which is replying to an idiot like u

shouldn't have done that

poor daffy

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 9:48

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Poordaffy. you're so stupid to argue with. and i don't wanna talk to you anymore

thnx bb

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 9:53

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poor me? who was the guy who added me as a fanboy like 1 or 1,5 year ago? let me help you, it was you. who cried for my cfgs? it was you. still dont see the reason why you're arogant and calling me poor? then tell me who cant answer normaly to a simple question? did it hurt your feelings or what? after that im still not arogant against you, like you. you did show how kid you are and go make some more szveg videos, bb

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 10:01

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looks exactly like this one.

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 13:34

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but its not the same cfg and cc

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 13:48

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sick my bro

Posted on 12.11.2013 / 19:54

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actually daffy is right this screen is nothing special and you can't really see the colors

Posted on 13.11.2013 / 9:45

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what the fuck is this shit, why do you keep posting fucking cinematic screenshots.

Posted on 23.11.2013 / 21:00

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^ Ginger Joe with wise words.

Posted on 23.11.2013 / 21:02

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