
Dvar unlocking

Hi and welcome to the Promod dvar unlocking tutorial.

It's very simple and you can get more FPS, reduce model detail and more !

Okay, let's begin. Open up your CoD4 directory.
Find CoD4 exectuable and open it using any text editor (i use notepad++)
Click CONTROL+F and type in 'com_maxfps' then replace 'com' with 'con'.
Save and start your CoD4 go to any server and type in console /con_maxfps 333 now you can enjoy 333 FPS without promod warnings !
But remember file length has to be the same it means, you can only replace characters but not remove or add them.
Else you may get banned for incorrect file length.

Here are few DVARS I have replaced for myself:

r_lodscalerigid => j_lodscalerigid 4;
r_lodbiasrigid => j_lodbiasrigid 0;
r_polygonoffsetbias => j_polygonoffsetbias -16;
r_lodscaleskinned => j_lodscaleskinned 4;

Those are forced by promod to be exact values.

I suppose A lot of people will ask if you can get banned for that ?
We can't say if you can get banned for it or not.
I've been playing with it for three months now and I didn't get banned.


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Hey, i have a question, I can't use some of the cfgs, with some of them it's fine but with most of them i get directx error.I'm using win7 32x, ATI Radeon 5450, my drivers are up to date aswell as my directx.I tryed reintalling the drivers, the game, directx, nothing worked.Have any ideas?

Posted on 09.02.2011 / 13:29

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damn it doesnt work for me, im new at this but, when i open cod4 it comes no selections..

Posted on 12.02.2011 / 18:46

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omg cant u just replace cfg in installation folder/cod4/profiles/yourprofile?

Posted on 19.02.2011 / 18:12

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on win7/vista

Posted on 19.02.2011 / 18:13

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any thoughts about my issue?

Posted on 19.02.2011 / 18:19

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What do mean by; open COD4 mp and select CFG? I mean how do you open the Cod 4 mp and select it?

Posted on 06.03.2011 / 2:27

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i agree with SofaKing, don't understand :S

Posted on 02.06.2011 / 13:13

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"1. Open COD4 mp. And Select CFG"

What he means is that u put in like this profile : CFG
So u have to open that profile,when cod4 starts , or Select Profile in the menu.

Posted on 06.06.2011 / 12:56

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low tutorial .__."

Posted on 06.06.2011 / 14:30

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can anyone help me in some configs not this one in the bottom write it comes up with "-snapshot" in green if anyone can help thnaks

Posted on 19.06.2011 / 18:23

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right* nit write

Posted on 19.06.2011 / 18:24

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Please get a video tutorial

Posted on 26.06.2011 / 14:38

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ehm I doesn't have a players folder :/

Posted on 11.07.2011 / 16:47

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to all who dont understand how to install do it like thispen your cod4 folder (for me its D\Program Files\Activison\Call of duty 4),then you go to your players folder than profiles,choose your profile and replace the confing_mp with the new one

Posted on 05.09.2011 / 13:06

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@RaaZ replace the config_mp*

Posted on 05.09.2011 / 13:07

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Can you have a texture config with another different config at one time?For example having full graphics config with a scope config?

Posted on 26.02.2012 / 12:46

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what it means to choose a config? how?

Posted on 10.12.2012 / 17:48

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This is a bad tutorial i think.
"Open COD4 mp. And Select CFG" There is no option for this.

Posted on 14.01.2013 / 19:39

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KOENE007 bad work! where is a clip with explanation!

Posted on 14.04.2013 / 17:39

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Posted on 11.08.2013 / 14:21

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Posted on 03.03.2015 / 21:59

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when i save notepad it doesent save and say file backup failed what can i do?

Posted on 05.01.2022 / 21:58

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