Dvar unlocking
Hi and welcome to the Promod dvar unlocking tutorial. It's very simple and you can get more FPS, reduce model detail and more ! Okay, let's begin. Open up your CoD4 directory. Find CoD4 exectuable and open it using any text editor (i use notepad++) Click CONTROL+F and type in 'com_maxfps' then replace 'com' with 'con'. Save and start your CoD4 go to any server and type in console /con_maxfps 333 now you can enjoy 333 FPS without promod warnings ! But remember file length has to be the same it means, you can only replace characters but not remove or add them. Else you may get banned for incorrect file length. Here are few DVARS I have replaced for myself: r_lodscalerigid => j_lodscalerigid 4; r_lodbiasrigid => j_lodbiasrigid 0; r_polygonoffsetbias => j_polygonoffsetbias -16; r_lodscaleskinned => j_lodscaleskinned 4; Those are forced by promod to be exact values. I suppose A lot of people will ask if you can get banned for that ? We can't say if you can get banned for it or not. I've been playing with it for three months now and I didn't get banned.
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