Make Chinese font UK Chinese
Hi, In this tut i will show you how to make the UK Chinese font like abbie from the Chinese font.
Source: fuckzkzkkz (Thanks!)
-> Chinese font not installed yet <-
1.Put the code_post_gfx.ff and localized_code_post_gfx_mp.ff to ur zone/english (You can find it in the rar From the .rar (/patch/zone)
2.Put the "localized_english_iw15.iwd" into the main folder (you can find the file in patch.rar /patch/main)
3.lauch the game and enjoy ! (AND on cod4 you can see "YOU KILLED ..." etc..)
-> Chinese font Installed already <-
This way is a bit shorter because you already have font.
1. Rename the Chinese folder in cod4/zone (To anything you do not need this anymore (you may also delete))
2. Copy & paste English from /zone into /zone
3. Rename the copied version to chinese
4. Open the .rar with the Chinese font
5. In the .rar browse to patch/zone
6. Here you find code_post_gfx.ff and localized_code_post_gfx_mp.ff Copy them to /zone/chinese (the new one made from English)
7.lauch the game and enjoy ! (AND on cod4 you can see "YOU KILLED ..." etc..)
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