Titanfall Modding tutorial
Hello there guys
Today your beloved gmzorz is explaining how to hack the shit out of... euhrhrr.. mod titanfall
IMPORTANT!! (not required but highly recommend)
Backup all the files in the vpk folder. this folder can mostly be found in:
C:\program files (x86 for some)\origin games\titanfall\vpk
If you dont do this and you fuck up something while modding, you're fucked (cus you gotta reinstall the game then)
The programs we are using (clickable links):
Cra0kalo's VPK tool: http://cra0kalo.com/public/Titanfall_VPKTool3_Installer.zip (make sure after you install it check for updates!!)
PaintDOTnet http://www.dotpdn.com/files/Paint.NET.3.5.11.Install.zip
You will need a VTF-plugin for paintdotnet, you can find it here: http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/files/files/pdnvtfplugin111.zip
I will do this in steps, lets first start with custom FOV (higher than 90) and a custom weapon skin.
Go to your VPK tool, open it up (duh), run it as administrator (crashed for me without admin)
Click on file, click open
Now next is up to you, there are vpk files which have the names englishclient, frenchclient, germanclient etc... choose the language that is used in your game, these files are we working with.
i have the english version, and the weapon skins + fov stuff is located in englishclient_mp_common.bsp.pak000_dir
so we are going to open this one.
once its opened up you should get a bunch of folders
click on the 'extract' button
now create a new folder in a area you would like to mod in (for instance i created a folder on desktop called modding, then i made a new folder inside it and called it mp_common, there i extracted the files)
This is going to take a while
just wait
be patient
do not get angry
keep calm
Hurray! its done! You might get an error, if it's only one, ignore it, we'll come to it on the next step, if there are more, u gotta scroll up a bit and start over (maybe run as admin)
now lets edit those files
Go to the directory where the files are extracted
Delete: extracted_logs
go to scripts\vscripts\weapons, open mp_projectile_frag_grenade using notepad and paste this in there:
function OnProjectileCollision( collisionParams )
save it
go to folder rootdir, move all the files from that folder to the regular folder (the one you extracted the files to)
then delete rootdir
it should look like this
To edit the fov, we go to mp_common\scrips\players\mp
There we find a bunch of files, these files must be seperately edited. but if you want the fov i showed earlier you can just replace the files with those files:
go to every .set file, open them with notepad and you will evantually see 'fov' and 'viewmodelfov' u can just change that, mine are both set to 90
now we are done with the fov
custom weapon skin
Go to the materials\models\weapons folder
click on the folder of your desired weapon
in there are some files, if you want to edit the skin of the gun you gotta open the file which has _col at the end and is a VTF file
Open those with PaintDOTnet (if you get an error while opening go back to the top, u need a plugin for paintdotnet..), from there you can edit them/export as png/edit in photoshop or whatever/bring back into paintdotnet and save as VTF under the same name as before and replace the old one (duh)
If you want the golden gun skin click cfgfactory.com/tutorials/files/r101.rar
just put it in the r101 folder and replace all
Once you are done editing your files you gotta go to
the VPK tool!!1 (no shit)
we are not done yet, prepare for a long ride
open up the vpk tool, click tools, click repacker
select the whole mp_common folder at first
save the vpk files in the same folder (is the easiest)
click Build VPK
about 30 minutes later
go to the output directory, you will see two files
the one has _000 at the end and the other has _dir at the end
click rename on the _000 file and change the name to Client_mp_common.bsp.pak000_000
do the same with the _dir file, but instead of the name above, change it to englishclient_mp_common.bsp.pak000_dir
Now put them both in the vpk folder and replace them.
Thats it! you are done!
open up titanfall and go test it out!
Original post from: http://particlegaming.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=61
if you are lazy to make the gunskins yourself then sign up on that forum, i will add more skins.
Note: I haven't been banned yet, the chances are very small that they will put a ban on this.
If you are banned for this i will not be responsible, neither is cra0kalo (developer vkp-tool)
Q: So that means i can just remove all textures to see everyone through the wall?
A: No, this doesnt work. dont even try it will fuck up everything
Q: The file size is very big, why?
A: The VPK files aren't compressed when they get repacked, just keep in mind you check for updates.
Q: My screen is alot brighter
A: Yes, it's a little bug. cra0kalo is working on the tool
Q: are you a wizard
A: no.
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