

File description

h2;l9;kl4; l7;ll0;k4;km0; ,m3;l6;m5;m1; l9;l2;k2;k9;k2;m0;n l9;l7;k2;l9;l0;k3;l6; k4;l9;kl4;, l2;m0;l6; k3;ml3; ln3;k6;l6;l4; l9;l6; l4;l5;l6;l1; l9; 2008-2012;2016-2022 .
i4;m0;k6;kl3;nl5;ml1; lkl9;l7;kl2;m0; m3;l6;m5;m1; k4;mlk2;k9;l0;m0;n l7;k2;ll5;n3;l4;(ik2;k4;kl3;,ik2;k4;kl3;,h3;kl6;lk5;l0;l1;,i2;k2;m0;k4;kl1;,h0;l3;kl2;l9;kl1;,h2;l3;k2;k6;l0;l9;l3;k2;k4;,j0;l0;l3; ,l7;m1;l9;m0;n k3;m1;k6;km0; k3;kk9; l5;l0;l2;l6;k4 l9; l2;l6;m0;l6;lml4;l0; l0;k5;lk2;l3;l0; , m2;k2;l5;l0;l3;l0;l9;n l9; l2;ll0;l7;l6;k4; l5;k2; l5;k2; kk6;l0;l5;l9;m0;k4;kl5;l5;l6;l4; lm1;l9;l9;l2;l6;n3;k9;mm5;l5;l6;l4; l9;klk4;klk ,k3;l6;ll6;l3;l0;l9;n l9; l5;kl9;l7;lk2;k4;kk6;l3;l0;k4;l6;l9;m0;nn2; l0;m0;k6; , l0;m0;l7;.
l9;l2;ll0;l5;m6;l6;m0;l6;k4; l9; l2;k4; l0; l7;ll6;m5;l0;m3; l3;k2;k6;k6;kll6;k4; k6;lkk4;l5;l6;l9;m0;l0; m1; l4;kl5;n3; l5;k l6;l9;m0;k2;l3;l6;l9;n , m0;k2;l2; m5;m0;l6; l3;l6;k4;l0;m0;k l9;l2;ll0;l5;m6;l6;m0;m l9; l7;k2;k3;l3;l0;l2;k2; 2022))).
l2;m2;k5; l5;k2; l9;k2;l4;l6;l4; k6;kl3;k l4;k2;l2;l9;l0;l4;k2;l3;nl5;l6; k6;km2;l6;l3;m0;l5;ml1; , l5;l0;m5;kk5;l6; k4; l5;kl4; l5;kl6;k3;mm5;l5;l6;k5;l6; l2; l9;l6;k8;k2;l3;kl5;l0;n2; k4;m l5;k l5;k2;l1;k6;km0;k , l6;l9;m0;k2;k4;l3;n3;n2; kk5;l6; k6;l3;n3; l9;kk3;n3; l5;k2; l7;k2;l4;n3;m0;n l5;m1; l0; k4;l6;k9;l4;l6;k8;l5;l6; l2;l6;l4;m1;-m0;l6; l0;k9; k4;k2;l9; , l2;m0;l6; l6;l9;m0;k2;l3;l9;n3; k4; n1;m0;l6;l1; l4;klm0;k4;l6;l1; l0;k5;lk l6;l5; l7;ll0;k5;l6;k6;l0;m0;l9;n3; .


Hello everyone, I want to say thank you to everyone who stay with me from 2008-2012;2016-2022 .I want to express a separate respect to the guys (Pavel, Pavel, George, Matvey, Alexey, Vladislav, Phil, let it be without nicknames)we played with them together,get fanned from creeps on the only Russian-speaking server, fought against injustice, etc., etc.
I don 't have any screenshots from cw and other ladders of antiquity left , so catch screenshots from the public 2022)))
kfg is actually the most defaulted, unfortunately you will not find anything unusual in it, I leave it for myself as a keepsake , and perhaps someone of you who stayed in this dead game will find it useful .

P.S COD4 will never die.


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etot sait ne otobrajaet russkiy.
Vsem privet ,hochu skazat' spasibo vsem, kto byl rjadom so mnoj s 2008-2012;2016-2022 .
Otdel'nyj respekt hochu vyrazit' parnjam(Pavel,Pavel,Georgij,Matvej,Aleksej,Vladislav,Fil ,pust' budet bez nikov) s kotorymi igrali , fanilis' s kripov na na edinstvennom russkojazychnom servere ,borolis' s nespravedlivost'ju itd , itp.
skrinshotov s kv i prochih ladderov drevnosti u menja ne ostalos' , tak chto lovite skrinshoty s pablika 2022)))
kfg na samom dele maksimal'no defoltnyj , nichego v nem neobychnogo k sozhaleniju vy ne najdete , ostavljaju ego dlja sebja na pamjat' nu i vozmozhno komu-to iz vas , kto ostalsja v jetoj mertvoj igre on prigoditsja .

Posted on 24.12.2022 / 3:37

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les tricheurs ne viennent pas avec cfg?

Posted on 05.01.2023 / 15:27

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